Thursday, April 26, 2007

Ahhhhh! I forgot!

Whoops! Yesterday I wasn't home at all...I took pictures, but I was gone straight through! (mind you this isn't any different from other days, just different happenings) I worked in the morning, went straight to pick up Sierra and Josh from school, helped with an after-school popsicle fundraiser, traded cars with Mark, got gas, grabbed a snack for the kids at the grocery store, headed to Antioch for Sierra's doctor appointment, headed straight to Liberty High School for Mark's track meet, and then we all got home around 7:30pm where we ate, bathed the kids/put them in bed, and then Mark and I sat down for our traditional watching "24", meanwhile me dodging upstairs to throw in loads of laundry(still unfolded and waiting for the magical day they are done on their own!). Mark fell asleep through the whole show...he was all tuckered out!! Because you know, yelling at a bunch of 6th-8th graders who are supposed to be running takes a LOT of energy! haha. I'm proud of him for doing a great job...especially since no one else would do it!'s my pic for's nothing special, just a reminder of my "maiden" days! (It's my maiden name on the truck (c; ) I saw it across the parking lot while I was at work, grabbed my camera and ran out...I'm sure I looked completly dorky rushing to take a picture of a big truck...oh well, no one knows that I'm going to be famous someday by some interesting picture I took that at the time was meaningless but later became monumental(sp?). "Riiiighhhht"(Cronk's voice). Ok, I'm going now. Hopefully I can post TODAY's pic by tonight when I get home late from work! Ta-ta!


angie said...

Hi Jen!!
I am sooo glad you have a blog-sorry- I know you hate that word!
It will be fun to keep up with you and your family!

Leslie said...

I got tired just reading what you did yesterday.

Way to go! I think you are the track star with all that you accomplished!

Leslie said...

I think I need to explain how much I look forward to reading your blog each day. I LOVE IT! Please don't stop!

Leslie said...

O.K.!!! It's time for you to write again! I MISS YOU!!!!!

Leslie said...

Um, PLEASE write again!! I check your blog everyday, just hoping that you'll write. (sniffle, sniffle.)